Spiritual Boner
Artwork by
Jay Howell, Scott Barry and Skinner
This boner is up all November!!!
Scott Barry made a rad installation.
Jay Howell, Scott Barry and Skinner
This boner is up all November!!!
Scott Barry made a rad installation.
(carbon transfer process)
Jay Howell
Oh yeah i love that one
Jay Howell
Jay Howell
Jay Howell
In this world of product as art and art as product it's refreshing to see artists who just shred and thrash around the subject of being human. Like most artists from Berkley, Oakland and San Fransico's mission district (read Beautiful Losers) Skinner, Jay Howell and Scott Barry all reflect the naked humanity that popular art seems to miss.
Scott Barry is a classic new breed artist/designer. Not simply limited to doodling, painting or sewing he shames west coast art directors by making wonder-filled ideas easy to understand. His communications are solid and bold enough to change the way you think.
Skinner is a freak, a spaz and full of energy. His wild style is a tiger attack on innocence. Discribing his own work Skinner thinks of it as, "a psychedelic barrage of fantastical monstrosities brought to life through the mind of an obsessed child".
Jay Howell was interviewed on Fecal Face recently and when asked if he had a mantra he said, "Take a stand against the jerks from hell. They are out there and they want you to feel bad just because they do. You will not be taken down, YOU are from Tuff Town and they are from the lame village across the river. We launch rocks at them for a reason." Jay's work backs these words up, better then any fan-boy words I could wack out right now.